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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Takashi; Ide Franzini” ,找到相关结果约6155条。
Ratio and rate effects of 32P-triple superphosphate and phosphate rock mixtures on corn growth
Franzini, Vinícius Ide;Muraoka, Takashi;Mendes, Fernanda Latanze;
Scientia Agricola , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-90162009000100010
Abstract: the availability of phosphorus (p) from " patos de minas" phosphate rock (pr) can be improved if it is applied mixed with a water-soluble p source. the objective of this study was to evaluate 32p as a tracer to quantify the effect of the ratio of mixtures of triple superphosphate (tsp) with pr and the rates of application on p availability from pr. two experiments were conducted in a greenhouse utilizing corn (zea mays l.) plants as test crop. in the first experiment, the p sources were applied at the rate of 90 mg p kg-1 soil either separately or as compacted mixtures in several tsp:pr ratios (100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 50:50, 40:60, 20:80 and 0:100 calculated on the basis of the total p content). in the second experiment, the tsp was applied alone or as 50:50 compacted mixtures with pr applied at four p rates (15, 30, 60 and 90 mg p kg-1) while the sole pr treatment was applied at the 90 mg kg-1 p rate . the mixture of pr with tsp improved the p recovery from pr in the corn plant and this effect increased proportionally to the tsp amounts in the mixture. when compared with the plant p recovery from tsp (10.52%), pr-p recovery (2.57%) was much lower even when mixed together in the ratio of 80% tsp: 20% pr. there was no difference in pr-p utilization by the corn plants with increasing p rates in the mixture (1:1 proportion). therefore, pr-p availability is affected by the proportions of the mixtures with water soluble p, but not by p rates.
Nitrógeno y potasio en solución nutritiva para la producción de tubérculos-semilla de papa
Coraspe-León,Héctor M; Muraoka,Takashi; Ide Franzini,Vinicius; Do Prado Granja,Newton;
Agronomía Tropical , 2008,
Abstract: the potato-seed, solanum tuberosum l., is considered a fundamental factor to guarantee high productivity and good tuber quality in the potato crop. in spite of their importance and the great number of studies on the potato crop, under tropical conditions, investigations on the mineral nutrition in potato-seed in varieties for industrial use, as much in field as in protected conditions, are scarce. the hydroponics system production, already consecrated in diverse crops, has been shown as an alternative for the production of potato pre-basic seeds, due to increases in the productivity, reduction of production costs, and elimination of contami-nation for soil pathogens. the objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of n and k interactions in nutritive solution, on the production of potato seed. the experiment was carried out in greenhouse, in the center of nuclear energy in the agriculture (cena), university of s?o paulo (usp), brazil, and we used in vitro material of the "atlantic" variety. five doses of n and k in a factorial arrangement (5 x 5), were established in a complete randomize block desing with three repetitions. there was positive interaction between nitrogen and potassium, which resulted in decrease of the loss of weight of tubers during the period of storage. with the combination of 12,65 and 7,03 mmol l-1 of n and cause the k the lowest percentage of dehydration.
Eficiência de fosfato natural reativo aplicado em misturas com superfosfato triplo em milho e soja
Franzini, Vinícius Ide;Muraoka, Takashi;Coraspe-León, Héctor Manuel;Mendes, Fernanda Latanze;
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-204X2009000900004
Abstract: the objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of methods of applying triple superphosphate (tsp), gafsa reactive phosphate rock and mixtures between these sources on phosphorus (p) utilization by maize and soybean plants. the experiments were carried out in a greenhouse, and the plants were grown in pots containing typic haplustox soil. the phosphorus sources were applied isolatedly or mixed (1:1 ratio) in a p rate of 90 mg kg-1, in a non-localized or in a localized manner in the soil. to quantify plant-absorbed phosphorus from the different sources, treatments with soil and tsp labeled with 32p were used. phosphorus utilization from triple superphosphate applied locally was superior (9.8%) to the p utilization of this source applied non locally to the soil (7%). inversely, better results with gafsa phosphate rock occurred with p applied non locally to soil (3.8%), compared to the values obtained when the fertilizer was applied locally (0.5%). the phosphorus utilization from the gafsa phosphate rock by maize and soybean plants increased when it was applied as compacted triple superphosphate and gafsa phosphate rock mixture. in the presence of triple superphosphate, the soil-incorporated application of gafsa phosphate rock led to greater utilization of phosphorus by soybean plants. the utilization of gafsa phosphate rock phosphorus increases when it is applied together with triple superphosphate; and this effect depends on the methods of application of these phosphate sources.
Acid phosphatase activity and leaf phosphorus content in soybean cultivars
Raposo, Roberto Wagner Cavalcanti;Muraoka, Takashi;Basso, Luiz Carlos;Lavres Jr., José;Franzini, Vinicius Ide;
Scientia Agricola , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-90162004000400014
Abstract: the phosphate fertilization represents the most costly fraction of soybean crop production. efficient soybean cultivars for p absorption and utilization in soils of medium available p are highly desirable and might contribute for increasing crop production potential. thirty two soybean [glycine max (l.) merr.] cultivars recommended for 'cerrado' and differing in growth cycle (early, semi-early, semi-late, and late) were grown in a dystrophic typic haplustox cerrado soil to evaluate the acid phosphatase activity, p content in the diagnostic leaf, and shoot biomass. there were differences among the soybean cultivars within all maturation groups in acid phosphatase activity and shoot biomass. the diagnostic-leaf p-content showed significant differences on semi-late and late maturation groups' cultivars. the acid phosphatase activity correlated positively with the plant shoot biomass from semi-early (r = 0.46) and late (r = 0.47) cultivars, and negatively (r = -0.40) with the p content in the diagnostic leaf of late maturation cultivars. the occurrence of soybean cultivars with high and low acid phosphatase activity within the same maturation groups indicates the existence of different mechanisms involving p mobilization in the soil and internal plant p remobilization.
Improving phosphorus availability from patos phosphate rock for Eucalyptus: a study with 32P radiotracer
Villanueva, Felipe Carlos Alvarez;Muraoka, Takashi;Trevizam, Anderson Ricardo;Franzini, Vinicius Ide;Rocha, Alexandre Prado;
Scientia Agricola , 2006, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-90162006000100010
Abstract: eucalyptus plantation in brazil is generally set on low fertility soils, therefore phosphorus (p) fertilization is mandatory and increases the cost of plantation operation. using species that more efficiently uptake phosphorus from less soluble sources is an interesting option. however, little is known about eucalyptus regarding its ability of using less soluble forms of phosphorus. the use of p by eucalyptus (e. urophylla, e. grandis, and e. urophylla ′ e. grandis) was studied in greenhouse using a loamy-textured, hipodystrophic typic haplustox from the cerrado region, and 32p isotopic method. the p sources tested were triple superphosphate (tsp), phosphate rock (pr) and the triple superphosphate mixed with pr (tsp+pr). the effectiveness of p sources in terms of increasing dry matter yield was tsp = (tsp + pr) > pr, and the p uptake followed the order (tsp + pr) > tsp > pr for both species plus the hybrid. the increase in p uptake from pr due to tsp influence was 217.3% for e. urophylla, 235.7% for e. grandis, and 28.7% for e. urophylla ′ e. grandis, indicating an enhancement effect of tsp on the effectiveness of pr. the hybrid e. urophylla ′ e. grandis was the most efficient genotype on p soil use and e. grandis most exigent in p fertilizer.
Improving phosphorus availability from patos phosphate rock for Eucalyptus: a study with 32P radiotracer
Villanueva Felipe Carlos Alvarez,Muraoka Takashi,Trevizam Anderson Ricardo,Franzini Vinicius Ide
Scientia Agricola , 2006,
Abstract: Eucalyptus plantation in Brazil is generally set on low fertility soils, therefore phosphorus (P) fertilization is mandatory and increases the cost of plantation operation. Using species that more efficiently uptake phosphorus from less soluble sources is an interesting option. However, little is known about eucalyptus regarding its ability of using less soluble forms of phosphorus. The use of P by eucalyptus (E. urophylla, E. grandis, and E. urophylla E. grandis) was studied in greenhouse using a loamy-textured, hipodystrophic Typic Haplustox from the Cerrado region, and 32P isotopic method. The P sources tested were triple superphosphate (TSP), phosphate rock (PR) and the triple superphosphate mixed with PR (TSP+PR). The effectiveness of P sources in terms of increasing dry matter yield was TSP = (TSP + PR) > PR, and the P uptake followed the order (TSP + PR) > TSP > PR for both species plus the hybrid. The increase in P uptake from PR due to TSP influence was 217.3% for E. urophylla, 235.7% for E. grandis, and 28.7% for E. urophylla E. grandis, indicating an enhancement effect of TSP on the effectiveness of PR. The hybrid E. urophylla E. grandis was the most efficient genotype on P soil use and E. grandis most exigent in P fertilizer.
Phosphorus Efficiency in Brazilian Soybean Cultivars
Alinne da Silva,Isabeli Pereira Bruno,Nericlenes Chaves Marcante,Takashi Muraoka,Vinícius Ide Franzini
- , 2018, DOI: 10.9734/JEAI/2018/43230
Abstract: Article Information
Absorción de formas de nitrógeno amoniacal y nítrica por plantas de papa en la producción de tubérculo-semilla
Coraspe-León,Héctor M; Muraoka,Takashi; Ide Franzini,Vinicius; Contreras Espinal,Freddy S; Ocheuze Trivelin,Paulo C;
Agronomía Tropical , 2009,
Abstract: the nitrogen is the structural constituent of proteins, several metabolites involved in the synthesis and trans-ference of energy and also of nucleic acids. it is absorbed by plants in the nitrate (no3-) or ammonium (nh4+) form. the nitrate uptake varies with cultivar and light intensity. the objective of this research was to determine the preferential form of n (n-nh4+ or n-no3-) absorbed by the potato plants in seed tuber productions, using 15n isotope. the experiment was carried out in the greenhouse of centro de energia nuclear na agricultura (cena) / usp, brazil, using 2.3 l plastic pots, with expanded clays as substrate. the experimental design used was a completely randomized with five treatments, corresponding to the labeled nh4 or no3 (15nh4 or 15 no3) application time: 14, 28, 42, 56 and 70 days after transplanting (dat), and three replicates. an iac nutrient solution was used, modified to supply n, k and ca, substituting calcium nitrate and potassium nitrate by ammonium nitrate labeled with 15n. the preferential form of nitrogen absorption at the initial developing stage was the ammonium, changing to nitrate after 56 dat (tuber formation). the n utilization by the plants, however, was always higher with ammonium form applied in all stages, with the exception at 28 dat and at the end of cycle.
Absorción de macronutrientes por plantas de papa (Solanum Tuberosum L.) en la producción de tubérculo-semilla
Coraspe-León,Héctor Manuel; Muraoka,Takashi; Franzini,Vinicius Ide; De Stefano Piedade,S?nia Maria; do Prado Granja,Newton;
Interciencia , 2009,
Abstract: in greenhouse potato cultivation, mineral nutrition is one of the main factors contributing to high yields and better product quality. knowledge about the amount of nutrients accumulated in the plants at each growing phase provides important information that helps the establishment of a more balanced fertilizer application. the objective of this research was to determine the time course of macronutrients uptake and accumulation in potato plants for seed-tuber production, grown in nutrient solution. the experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, using in vitro material from the pre-basic category of the ?atlantic? variety. the plants were collected weekly from 14 days after transplanting (dat) until 70 dat. the experimental design was a completely randomized block with 9 treatments to sampling times and four replicates. the highest nutrient requirement in the plant shoot occurred at the periods between 28 and 56 dat, while in the tubers it was after 49 dat. the maximum accumulation sequence of macronutrients was k>n>s>ca>p>mg.
Chiara Cappelletto, Neuroestetica. L'arte del cervello.
Elio Franzini
Altre Modernità , 2010,
Abstract: Chiara Cappelletto, Neuroestetica. L'arte del cervello. (Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2009, pp. 203, ISBN - 9788842088998) di Elio Franzini

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